Happy International Volunteer Day!
Happy Shout out to all of the people who volunteer to help people, animals and the environment! You are all so valuable. Civilization would cease to exist if it weren’t for people who show up for service. I am thinking of people who volunteer in our libraries. I am thinking of people who sponsor addicts and alcoholics. At Club Northwest we have a term that Scott Draper came up with which is “Serrior”, a Servant/Service Warrior. He doesn’t call people who are employed employees, he calls them Serriors. We have volunteers in every department of the club which helps keep us going. I am thinking of all the people who volunteer to help assist people who are experiencing homelessness, whether it’s shelter and warmth, food, medical, rehabilitation and job training and placement. I am thinking about people who may not have the time, yet they donate money to causes that help others. I am thinking of law enforcement and veterans who put their lives on the line to protect us. No salary, pension or benefits can ever repay what you give. I am thinking about the teachers, leaders in our communities, nurses, doctors and technicians. I am thinking about those who give blood. I have found that being of service not only helps those who we serve, it also helps the people who serve. When we serve we get so much more than expected. Nothing is more fulfilling than being of service to our communities, to our neighbors. When we think of others, we are connected. When we show up and share the little that we do have, we are blessed with so much more. I appreciate you. Keep up the good work! Many blessings upon you and your loved ones.
Tonight is the dinner and auction for Rogue WinterFest. They will donate money to benefit 3 organizations in the mental health area. These are Family Solutions, Kairos and Options for Southern Oregon. Please visit www.roguewinterfest.org for more information.